
Home Health

7 of the Best Food Sources of Calcium for Vegans

When you switch to a vegan diet, one of the things you give up is dairy. However, that doesn't mean that you no longer have food sources to provide you with rich sources of calcium.

9 Answers to Questions About Veganism

Many people have questions about veganism. Even those who have been vegan for a time may come across a situation that may prove to be a gray area, and they may also be uncertain as to the answer to the question they are facing.

Three Reasons to Become Vegan

If you are considering veganism and wondering how it might have an impact on your life and the world around you, here is a brief explanation as to some of the reasons you might wish to make a positve change to your lifestyle.

7 Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

While there are so many great reasons to eat sweet potatoes, here are seven - in no particular order - that will have you heading to the grocery store in nothing flat!
healthy happy woman

Plant-Powered Health: A Deep Dive Into the Health Impacts of a Plant-Based Diet

In recent years, veganism has emerged from the fringes of dietary choices to become a mainstream lifestyle option. People are increasingly turning to vegan...

Five of the Best Foods to Aid Digestion

Here are some of the best foods to eat that are easy to digest on their own, can help aid in the digestion of other foods, and/or help with your digestion overall if eaten on a regular basis.
chia seeds

10 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds, tiny yet powerful, are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Packed with nutrients, they offer numerous health benefits. Here are 10...

Protein Sources for Those New to a Plant-Based Diet

If you are considering a more healthy and compassionate way of eating, a vegan diet is most likely on your radar. There are probably many myths you’ve heard about living vegan and wonder if you’ll be able to make the transition. One of the biggest questions non-vegans have (and the question vegans