
Home Feature

What Is Fiber and How Does It Help?

No matter whether you are a meat eater, vegetarian, pescatarian, or vegan, you are going to need a bit of fiber in your diet.

The Pumpkin: Fall’s Favorite Food

This amazing gourd, native to North America, is a versatile and highly nutritious food. Whether used in a pie, casserole, soup, pudding, or smoothie, there are many benefits to including it in your diet.
money growing

How Plant-Based Eating Can Help Boost the Economy

The economic impact of veganism is often overlooked, but it can have significant benefits for both individuals and the economy as a whole. In...
Sweet Earth Spicy Kung Pao Vegan Plant-Based Jerky

Sweet Earth Foods Introduces New Plant-Based Jerky

Sweet Earth Foods announced the debut of their first shelf-stable snacking product, a new plant-based Jerky in two flavors, Spicy Kung Pao and Sweet...


Welcome to Live Your Life Vegan! In the coming weeks and months we will be posting articles and information important to those living the...
female student

10 Essential Back-to-School Tips for Your Vegan Child

As summer winds down, it's time to start thinking about the new school year. For parents of vegan children, this can be a particularly...

7 Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

While there are so many great reasons to eat sweet potatoes, here are seven - in no particular order - that will have you heading to the grocery store in nothing flat!
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Celebrating Earth Day: The Vegan Way

Earth Day, celebrated every year on April 22, is a global event to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet and promoting...