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The Many Benefits of Beets

While everyone knows that spinach, broccoli, and carrots are good for you, and we’ve all heard that, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, the beet remains largely unforgotten when it comes to healthy food.
Vegan Pizza

Yes, There Is Comfort Food for Vegans

If you are just starting down the vegan road and have only just begun to get your feet wet, you can rest assured that there are plenty of vegan foods out there, whether store-bought or homemade, that are just as good as what some might call the, “real thing”.
vegan employee in lunchroom

Veganism and the Workplace

If you are the only one in your office that is vegan, it can feel a little lonely or frustrating at times. But there are ways to make the best of the situation.
Alpha Meatless Sausage, Plant-Based Egg and Cheeze breakfast sandwich

Alpha Foods Announces New Vegan Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwiches and Burritos

Alpha Foods announced five new Plant-Based Breakfast Sandwiches and Plant-Based Breakfast Burritos. The new vegan lineup includes the Alpha Meatless Sausage, Plant Egg &...

Do’s and Don’ts for New Vegans

Some tips for you to make it easier to transition to a vegan lifestyle. Some may wish to ease into it, others may wish to dive right in; all may find this information helpful somewhere down the line.
Sweet Earth Spicy Kung Pao Vegan Plant-Based Jerky

Sweet Earth Foods Introduces New Plant-Based Jerky

Sweet Earth Foods announced the debut of their first shelf-stable snacking product, a new plant-based Jerky in two flavors, Spicy Kung Pao and Sweet...

7 of the Best Food Sources of Calcium for Vegans

When you switch to a vegan diet, one of the things you give up is dairy. However, that doesn't mean that you no longer have food sources to provide you with rich sources of calcium.
community hands

Activities That Can Make a Difference

As the weather gets warmer, people tend to take up more of their free time with outdoor activities. Some may go to the beach, go hiking or camping, or maybe just head to the local park for a picnic. What if at least one of those times you ventured outside, it was not just for the purpose of being out in the fresh air or getting some exercise, but to make a difference?