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Minimalism and the Vegan Lifestyle

When people think of being a vegan they tend to think of an “extreme” lifestyle choice. Those who are carnivores find it hard to grasp a vegetarian lifestyle, let alone one that is vegan.
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How Plant-Based Eating Can Help Boost the Economy

The economic impact of veganism is often overlooked, but it can have significant benefits for both individuals and the economy as a whole. In...

Product Review: TruEarth Eco-Strips Laundry Detergent

We put TruEarth's latest laundry detergent strips to the test. See how they performed.
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The Top 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Going vegan can be a big life change, but it comes with a host of health benefits that may surprise you. From improved weight management to a reduced risk of chronic conditions, the vegan diet has much to offer. Come with us as we explore 10 surprising health benefits of going vegan.

Start a Vegan Business

If you are a vegan, your timing right now couldn’t be better! With the number of people changing to plant-based diets, or at least curious about veganism, starting a vegan-based business could be a good bet.

Giving Back At Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a pretty self-explanatory holiday. It is a time to gather, with family and friends, to enjoy the company of those in your life for whom you are thankful. It is also, in the spirit of the holiday, a time to give back.

Vegan Voyages: A Comprehensive Guide to Plant-Based Travel

Traveling as a vegan can seem daunting. But with a little preparation and knowledge, it can be a rewarding and delicious adventure. This comprehensive...

How to Celebrate a Vegan Halloween

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. The air is crisp and fresh, the leaves are turning color, and everyone is beginning to gear up for the holiday season. One of the first holidays during the fall is, of course, Halloween.