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Veganism and the Workplace

If you are the only one in your office that is vegan, it can feel a little lonely or frustrating at times. But there are ways to make the best of the situation.

9 Answers to Questions About Veganism

Many people have questions about veganism. Even those who have been vegan for a time may come across a situation that may prove to be a gray area, and they may also be uncertain as to the answer to the question they are facing.

Compassionate Clothing: How to Ensure that Your Closet is Kind

Over the decades, when it has come to clothing, furniture, and even automobiles, image has been everything. Marketing firms and the media have saturated us all with product advertising that, if you wished to be stylish, trendy, or climb those social rungs, were “must-haves” to

Five Ways You Can Help Save the Planet

If you’re a vegan, you are already contributing a great deal to help combat climate change. However, if you want to take as many extra steps as you can, here are a few suggestions
community hands

Activities That Can Make a Difference

As the weather gets warmer, people tend to take up more of their free time with outdoor activities. Some may go to the beach, go hiking or camping, or maybe just head to the local park for a picnic. What if at least one of those times you ventured outside, it was not just for the purpose of being out in the fresh air or getting some exercise, but to make a difference?
Vegan Celebrities - Moby, Joaquin Phoenix, Pamela Anderson, Woody Harrelson, Billie Eilish, Morrissey

Vegan Celebrities: Should They Be Doing More?

Although the impact of people trying to live a healthier, more compassionate lifestyle, that is also environmentally-friendly, is beginning to get more recognition worldwide, one cannot help but wonder what direction the planet would be headed in if more public figures raised their voices in an effort to help.
female student

10 Essential Back-to-School Tips for Your Vegan Child

As summer winds down, it's time to start thinking about the new school year. For parents of vegan children, this can be a particularly...

What Do Animal Rights Activists Do and Would You Like To Be One?

If you were to ask people what they think animal rights activists do, their definitions may be many and varied. Most will agree that they advoca